Spring Retreat with Hilde Broeckhove and Louise Chardon
Like a stream in spring (beginnings, fluidity, growth)
We invite you to 4 days of introspection and celebration of your subtle self in the supportive environment of A Mandola, Space to Be, near Odemira, South-West of Portugal.
Hilde will take you through Tao yin yoga, somatic psoas muscle work and simple chi kung in which we will especially increase hydration throughout the body and psoas muscle. The undercurrent of water that keeps our tissues healthy and resilient is often less known and carries something mysterious within it…by sinking deep into the bones and landing in your body you will be able to allow the stiffened thoughts and tissues to become softer and more fluid and you will sink into your deep center where the psoas muscle is located and where you get back in touch with your soul field or unconditioned self!
Louise will invite us to meander in the subtle layers of our embodied self through breath, dedicated attention, caring touch, and sentient movement. By these somatic ways, we will meet ourselves and each other in the most fundamental aspect of our nature which is elemental, meaning we will address the mineral, solar, fluid, earthy aspects of our being. We will bring this consciousness in resonance with the expressions of the surrounding landscapes, through contemplation, introspection, communion, dance, and/or any other nurturing emergence. A genuine offer to dwell into the ground of life.
In this particular edition, we will address specifically the remembrance and renewal of the fluid body: the manifestations of water in our somatic field. This quest will be induced through contemplation of the dancing currents of our subcutaneous ocean, the subtle but far-reaching ripples of our interstitial fluid, the ebbs and flows of our cellular body. Through effortless motions, and gentle continuous presence, we will slip through tides, cyclical changes, and natural rhythms. With breeze-like ease, we’ll dissolve boundaries, touch the vaporous edges of our unknown. By navigating serene waves or rushing waters, sinking into deeper stillness or gliding onto river breath, we will honor the Water in us.
Open for every soul wishing to dive in these fields of the micro and macro cosmos of the body/mind/soul.
No prior knowledge or experience needed, just an open mind to receive and be in wonder…
The Chi Kung and movement sessions will be in the mornings till lunch time.
The afternoon is open for individual practice, integration, relaxation time or individual movement/bodywork sessions with Hilde and/or Louise.
Hilde Broeckhove and Louise Chardon share a common passion for the relationship between body/mind/spirit. In this workshop, they bring together the essence of their studies and expertise in movement, yoga, chi kung, and bodywork. They met through dance and later through bodywork, both having experience as dance teachers and performers in contemporary dance and interactive/sensitive theater. They will take you on a journey through your body to explore unknown areas, based on their experience, research, and passion for the different layers that make up a body, a mover, a human being. It will be your journey, enriched and opened by their guidance…
This workshop will be held in English, but Dutch is also possible. It depends on the languages spoken by the participants, and then we will adjust accordingly.
More information about Hilde and Louise can be found on this website under About us?
16 workshop hours:
- pay according to your possibilities: 200 euros support price, 160 euros normal price, 120 euros economy price for people with (sickness) benefits. People requesting an invoice will pay an additional 21% VAT on top of these prices.
Overnight stays:
- Single room (or couple): 60 euros per night
- Double room: 30 euros per night per person
- Bed in the dance studio: 25 euros per night per person (max. 3 people)
- Camping: 10 euros per night per person (camping equipment rental 5 euros per day)
- Meals: 120 euros ( 3 meals/day nuts and fruits)
- Pick-up or drop-off at the station: 20 euros per trip
All payments go to A Mandorla. Send a mail to chardon.lou@gmail.com with your wish to participate and you will receive the necessary information to complete your registration.
Arrival: Wednesday, April 9th in the afternoon from 3 PM or evening before 9 PM.
The workshop starts on Thursday morning until Sunday afternoon.
Departure: Sunday, April 13th from 3 PM or the next day.
You can also arrive earlier and/or stay longer before and/or after the workshop.
You can fly to Lisbon or Faro and then rent a car or take the train to Santa-Clara-Saboia.
Monte Carvalhosinho, located at about 15km from the village of Odemira, is a unique place to recharge in nature!
You can book a cheap flight via Ryanair, Tuifly, or Transavia.
Fly to Faro or Lisbon and then take the train to Santa-Clara Saboia, or rent a car with a friend and drive together. We recommend renting a car, as it gives you more freedom for excursions.
If traveling by train, make sure your flight arrives before 2 PM so you have enough time to catch the train. After 6 PM, there are almost no more trains. From Faro, it takes about 1 hour by train, and from Lisbon about 2 hours.
Train schedule: https://www.cp.pt/sites/passageiros/pt/consultar-horarios/horarios-resultado
If you have questions, feel free to contact us:
For organizational reasons: REGISTRATION DEADLINE is FEBRUARY 10th.
7:30 meditation (optional)
8:30 breakfast
10am till 1pm : session with Hilde or Louise or each 1,5 hour. To be felt day by day.
13:15 lunch
Optional individual session in the afternoon with Hilde or Louise.
extra cost: 50